# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Created on 04 march 2017
@author: ntz
from qacode.core.exceptions.core_exception import CoreException
from selenium.common.exceptions import (
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
[docs]class NavBase(object):
"""Main navigation methods to use on selenium scripts"""
driver = None
log = None
driver_wait = None
driver_actions = None
driver_touch = None
def __init__(self, driver, log, driver_wait=None, driver_actions=None,
"""Initialize self properties
driver {WebDriver} -- instance of any browser type/mode
log {logging.logger} -- Logger for methods usage
Keyword Arguments:
driver_wait {selenium.webdriver.support.ui.WebDriverWait}
-- web driver wait for conditions (default: {None})
{from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains.ActionChains}
-- web driver for perform actions on elements
-- web driver for perform touch actions on elements
self.driver = driver
self.log = log
self.driver_wait = driver_wait
self.driver_actions = driver_actions
self.driver_touch = driver_touch
[docs] def get_driver_wait(self, driver_wait=None):
"""TODO: doc method"""
if driver_wait is None and self.driver_wait is None:
raise CoreException(msg='Nav instanced without driver_wait')
if driver_wait is None:
driver_wait = self.driver_wait
return driver_wait
[docs] def get_url(self, url, wait_for_load=0):
"""Do get_url including implicit wait for page load"""
if wait_for_load > 0:
[docs] def get_maximize_window(self):
"""Maximize browser window"""
[docs] def get_window_handle(self):
"""Get window object to handle with selenium on scripts"""
return self.driver.current_window_handle
[docs] def add_cookie(self, cookie_dict):
"""Adds a cookie to your current session.
cookie_dict: A dictionary object, with required
keys - "name" and "value"
optional keys - "path", "domain", "secure", "expiry"
"name" : "foo",
"value" : "bar"})
'name' : 'foo',
'value' : 'bar',
'path' : '/',
'domain': None})
valid_keys = ["name", "value"]
if cookie_dict is None:
raise CoreException(msg="Can't add None cookie")
for key in valid_keys:
if cookie_dict.get(key) is None:
msg = "Can't add new cookie without '{}'"
raise CoreException(msg=msg.format(key))
return self.driver.add_cookie(cookie_dict)
except WebDriverException as err:
raise CoreException(err=err)
[docs] def get_cookies(self):
"""Returns a set of dictionaries, corresponding to cookies
visible in the current session.
return self.driver.get_cookies()
[docs] def delete_cookie_by_key(self, key_name):
"""Deletes a single cookie with the given name"""
[docs] def delete_cookies(self):
"""Delete all cookies in the scope of the session"""
[docs] def get_capabilities(self):
"""Retrieve current capabilities applied to selenium driver"""
return self.driver.desired_capabilities
[docs] def execute_js(self, script, *args):
"""Execute arbitrary Javascript code
script {str} -- JS code to be executed on WebDriver
*args {[type]} -- More arguments ( like element selector )
str -- JS script returns
return self.driver.execute_script(script, *args)
[docs] def set_css_rule(self, css_selector, css_prop, css_value,
css_important=False, index=0):
"""Set new value for given CSS property name
css_selector {str} -- CSS selector to apply rule
css_prop {str} -- CSS property to be applied to rule
css_value {str} -- CSS property value to be applied to rule
Keyword Arguments:
css_important {bool} -- Allow to include '!important'
to rule (default: {False})
index {int} -- Position to insert new CSS rule
on first stylesheet (default: {0})
str -- JS script returns
css_important_text = ''
if css_important:
css_important_text = '!important'
css_rule = " {0!s} {{ {1!s} : {2!s} {3!s}; }}".format(
js_script = "document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(\"{0!s}\", {1:d});".format( # noqa: E501
css_rule, index)
return self.execute_js(js_script)
[docs] def find_element(self, selector, locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR):
"""Just divided execution ways for search web element
throught selenium
selector {str} -- string selector used to locate one
element or first obtained
Keyword Arguments:
locator {By} -- locator strategy used to find
WebElement selector (default: {By.CSS_SELECTOR})
CoreException -- If locator is None
CoreException -- Element selector+locator strategy raises
selenium NoSuchElementException
WebElement -- selenium representation for a web element
msg = "Locator not selected at find_element, selector={}".format(
if locator is None:
raise CoreException(msg=msg)
return self.driver.find_element(locator, selector)
except NoSuchElementException as err:
raise CoreException(err=err)
[docs] def find_elements(self, selector, locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR):
"""Just divided execution ways for search web elements
throught selenium
selector {str} -- string selector used to locate
one or more elements
Keyword Arguments:
locator {By} -- locator strategy used to find
WebElement selector (default: {By.CSS_SELECTOR})
CoreException -- If locator is None
CoreException -- Element selector+locator strategy raises
selenium NoSuchElementException
list(WebElement) -- selenium representation for a
list of web elements
msg = "Locator not selected at find_element, selector={}".format(
if locator is None:
raise CoreException(msg=msg)
elements = self.driver.find_elements(locator, selector)
if len(elements) == 0:
raise CoreException(msg="0 elements found")
return elements
except NoSuchElementException as err:
raise CoreException(err=err)
[docs] def find_element_wait(self, selector,
locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR, driver_wait=None):
"""Search element using WebDriverWait class
and ElementConditions presence_of_element_located
selector {str} -- string selector used to locate one
element or first obtained
Keyword Arguments:
locator {By} -- locator strategy used to find
WebElement selector (default: {By.CSS_SELECTOR})
driver_wait {WebDriverWait} -- driver that supports
ExpectedConditions methods (default: {None})
CoreException -- if NavBase instanced
without driver_wait
WebElement -- element through selenium
WebDriverWait class
driver_wait = self.get_driver_wait(driver_wait=driver_wait)
return driver_wait.until(
EC.presence_of_element_located((locator, selector)))
except (NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException):
return driver_wait.until(
EC.visibility_of_element_located((locator, selector)))
[docs] def find_elements_wait(self, selector,
locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR, driver_wait=None):
"""Search elements using WebDriverWait class
and ElementConditions presence_of_all_elements_located
selector {str} -- string selector used to locate
multiple elements
Keyword Arguments:
locator {By} -- locator strategy used to find
WebElement selector (default: {By.CSS_SELECTOR})
driver_wait {WebDriverWait} -- driver that supports
ExpectedConditions methods (default: {None})
CoreException -- if NavBase instanced
without driver_wait
WebElement -- element through selenium
WebDriverWait class
driver_wait = self.get_driver_wait(driver_wait=driver_wait)
return driver_wait.until(
EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((locator, selector)))
except (NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException):
return driver_wait.until(
EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((locator, selector)))
[docs] def find_element_child(self, element, child_selector,
"""TODO: doc method"""
if element is None or not isinstance(element, WebElement):
raise CoreException(msg="Cant find child if not element found")
return element.find_element(locator, child_selector)
except (NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException) as err:
# at Java lang exist 1 expected condition
# named : visibilityOfNestedElementsLocatedBy
# doc : https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/waits.html
# maybe must exist at python too
# then, create and use new method named: find_element_child_wait()
# raise NotImplementedError("TODO:open an issue at github please")
raise CoreException(err=err)
[docs] def find_element_children(self, element, child_selector,
"""TODO: doc method"""
if element is None or not isinstance(element, WebElement):
raise CoreException(msg="Cant find children if not element found")
return element.find_elements(locator, child_selector)
except (NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException) as err:
# at Java lang exist 1 expected condition
# named : visibilityOfNestedElementsLocatedBy
# doc : https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/waits.html
# maybe must exist at python too
# then, create and use new method named: find_element_child_wait()
# raise NotImplementedError("TODO:open an issue at github please")
raise CoreException(err=err)
[docs] def find_elements_child(self):
"""TODO: doc method"""
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: open an issue at github please")
[docs] def find_elements_children(self):
"""TODO: doc method"""
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: open an issue at github please")
[docs] def forward(self):
"""Go forward using browser functionality"""
[docs] def reload(self):
"""Go reload page using browser functionality"""
[docs] def get_log(self, log_name='browser', raises=False):
"""Get selenium log by name, this depends of
driver mode and browser what it's using each time
Keyword Arguments:
log_name {str} -- get log type lanes (default: {'browser'})
CoreException -- if log_name value not in list
of valid values : browser, driver, client, server
list() -- list of messages typed on a log_name
return {
'browser': self.driver.get_log,
'driver': self.driver.get_log,
'client': self.driver.get_log,
'server': self.driver.get_log,
except (KeyError, WebDriverException) as err:
if isinstance(err, KeyError):
raise CoreException("Can't use not valid value to get log")
self.log.debug(("nav | get_log: Selenium, not all drivers will"
" be handled by them with all optionsvalues"))
self.log.warning("nav | get_log: log_name={}, err={}".format(
log_name, err.msg))
return list()
[docs] def get_screenshot_as_base64(self):
"""Gets the screenshot of the current window as a base64 encoded string
which is useful in embedded images in HTML
return self.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()
[docs] def get_screenshot_as_file(self, file_name):
"""Gets the screenshot of the current window. Returns False
if there is any IOError, else returns True. Use full paths
in your filename.
file_name {str} -- name of file path where
want to save screenshot
list(byte) -- file binary object of screenshot bytes
return self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file(file_name)
[docs] def get_screenshot_as_png(self):
"""Gets the screenshot of the current window as a
binary data.
File -- file binary object of screenshot with PNG format
return self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png()
[docs] def get_screenshot_save(self, file_name):
"""Gets the screenshot of the current window. Returns False
if there is any IOError, else returns True.
Use full paths in your filename.
file_name {str} -- name of file path where
want to save screenshot
list(byte) -- file binary object of screenshot bytes
return self.driver.save_screenshot(file_name)
[docs] def js_set_timeout(self, timeout=60):
"""Set the amount of time that the script should wait during an
execute_async_script call before throwing an error.
Keyword Arguments:
timeout {int} -- seconds to raise script
wait (default: {60})
[docs] def set_window_size(self, pos_x=800, pos_y=600):
"""Sets the width and height of the current
window. (window.resizeTo)
Keyword Arguments:
pos_x {int} -- width of new window size (default: {800})
pos_y {int} -- height of new window size (default: {600})
self.driver.set_window_size(pos_x, pos_y)
[docs] def get_title(self):
"""Obtains the title of the current page and return it
str -- title of current page opened
return self.driver.title
[docs] def get_current_url(self):
"""Return current url from opened bot
CoreException -- if can't obtains url with this
selenium driver
str -- string representation of current driver url
msg = "Failed at obtain selenium driver property 'current_url'"
return self.driver.current_url
except WebDriverException:
raise CoreException(msg=msg)
[docs] def is_url(self, url, ignore_raises=True):
"""Check if url it's the same what selenium current and visible url
url {str} -- string value used to verify url
Keyword Arguments:
ignore_raises {bool} -- allows to ignore errors
when executes if raises errors (default: {True})
exceptions -- [description]
CoreException -- [description]
bool -- if current driver url match with param url,
then returns True, False if not
if self.get_current_url() != url:
if not ignore_raises:
raise CoreException(msg="'Current url' is not 'param url'")
return False
return True
[docs] def set_web_element(self, new_attr_id):
"""Create web element using selenium adding to DOM
new_attr_id {str} -- html attribute ID for
new web element
[docs] def ele_click(self, element=None, selector=None, locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR):
"""Perform click webelement with locator param or search it by default
CSS_SELECTOR value if element it's none but selector
it's not default value
Keyword Arguments:
element {WebElement} -- selenium object, instance of WebElement
(default: {None})
selector {str} -- selector to search and element to click
(default: {None})
locator {By} -- locator selenium strategy
(default: {By.CSS_SELECTOR})
CoreException -- Bad params combination, need element
or selector to search element
WebElement -- returns element clicked (to allow chaining)
curr_ele = element
curr_selector = selector
can_click = False
if curr_ele is None and curr_selector is None:
raise CoreException(
msg=("Can't click over None element and None selector"
"arguments: curr_ele={}, curr_selector={}"
.format(curr_ele, curr_selector)))
elif curr_ele is None:
curr_ele = self.find_element(curr_selector, locator=locator)
can_click = True
elif curr_ele is not None and isinstance(curr_ele, WebElement):
can_click = True
if can_click:
return curr_ele
[docs] def ele_write(self, element, text=None):
Over element perform send_keys , if not sended text, then will write
empty over element
:param element: WebElement
:return: None
if not isinstance(element, WebElement):
raise CoreException(
msg="Param 'element' it's not instance of WebElement")
if text is not None:
# it's neccessary because some fields shows validation message and
# color after try to send empty message
[docs] def ele_is_displayed(self, element):
"""Whether the element is visible to a user
Webdriver spec to determine if element it's displayed:
element {WebElement} -- selenium web element
bool -- Value based on selenium SPEC to determine if an element
is enabled
return element.is_displayed()
[docs] def ele_is_enabled(self, element):
"""Returns whether the element is enabled
element {WebElement} -- selenium web element
bool -- Value based on selenium SPEC to determine if an element
is enabled
return element.is_enabled()
[docs] def ele_is_selected(self, element):
"""Returns whether the element is selected
element {WebElement} -- selenium web element
bool -- Value based on selenium SPEC to determine if an element
is enabled
return element.is_selected()
[docs] def ele_text(self, element, on_screen=True):
"""Get element content text.
If the isDisplayed() method can sometimes trip over when
the element is not really hidden but outside the viewport
get_text() returns an empty string for such an element.
Keyword Arguments:
on_screen {bool} -- allow to obtain text if element
it not displayed to this element before
read text (default: {True})
str -- Return element content text (innerText property)
if on_screen:
text = str(element.text)
text = self.ele_attribute(element, 'innerText')
self.log.warning("text obtained from innerText")
if self.ele_is_displayed(element):
raise CoreException(
msg=("on_screen param must use when"
"element it's not displayed"))
return text
[docs] def ele_attribute(self, element, attr_name):
"""Returns tuple with (attr, value) if founds
This method will first try to return the value of a property with
the given name. If a property with that name doesn't exist, it
returns the value of the attribute with the same name. If there's
no attribute with that name, None is returned.
value = str(element.get_attribute(attr_name))
if value is None or value == attr_name:
raise CoreException(msg="Attr '{}' not found".format(attr_name))
return value
[docs] def ele_tag(self, element):
"""Returns element.tag_name value"""
return element.tag_name
[docs] def ele_clear(self, element):
"""Clear element text"""
return element.clear()
[docs] def ele_css(self, element, prop_name):
"""Allows to obtain CSS value based on CSS property name
element {WebElement} -- WebElement to modify CSS property
prop_name {str} -- CSS property name
str -- Value of CSS property searched
return element.value_of_css_property(prop_name)
[docs] def ele_wait_invisible(self, selector, locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR, timeout=0):
"""Wait for invisible element (display:none), returns element"""
if selector is None:
raise CoreException(
"Can't wait invisible element if None selector given")
locator_tuple = (locator, selector)
driver_wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout)
element = driver_wait.until(
except Exception:
raise CoreException("Fails at wait for invisible element")
return element
[docs] def ele_wait_visible(self, element, timeout=0):
"""Wait for visible condition element, returns self"""
if element is None:
raise CoreException("Can't wait visible if element is None")
driver_wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout)
element = driver_wait.until(EC.visibility_of(element))
except Exception:
raise CoreException("Fails at wait for visible element")
return element
[docs] def ele_wait_text(self, selector, text,
locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR, timeout=0):
"""Wait if the given text is present in the specified element"""
locator_tuple = (locator, selector)
driver_wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout)
return driver_wait.until(
EC.text_to_be_present_in_element(locator_tuple, text))
except Exception:
raise CoreException("Fails at wait for element text")
[docs] def ele_wait_value(self, selector, value,
locator=By.CSS_SELECTOR, timeout=0):
"""Wait if the given value is present in the specified element"""
locator_tuple = (locator, selector)
driver_wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout)
return driver_wait.until(
EC.text_to_be_present_in_element_value(locator_tuple, value))
except Exception:
raise CoreException("Fails at wait for element value")
def __repr__(self):
"""Show basic properties for this object"""
return ("ControlBase: drivers instanced are... \n"
" driver_wait={},\n driver_actions={},\n"
" driver_touch={}").format(