Source code for qacode.core.webs.pages.page_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""package module qacode.core.webs.pages.page_base"""

from qacode.core.exceptions.control_exception import ControlException
from qacode.core.exceptions.core_exception import CoreException
from qacode.core.exceptions.page_exception import PageException
from qacode.core.webs.controls.control_base import ControlBase
from qacode.core.webs.controls.control_form import ControlForm

from import By

[docs]class PageBase(object): """ Base class for all Inehrit Page classes wich need selenium functionality througth qacode bot """ bot = None log = None settings = None def __init__(self, bot, **kwargs): """Instance of PageBase class Arguments: bot {BotBase} -- BotBase or inherit class instance Keyword Arguments: url {str} -- string for url of page locator {BY} -- strategy used to search all selectors passed, default value it's locator.CSS_SELECTOR (default: {BY.CSS_SELECTOR}) go_url {bool} -- navigate to 'self.url' at instance (default: {False}) wait_url {int} -- seconds to wait for 'self.url' load at instance (default: {0}) maximize {bool} -- allow to maximize browser window before to load elements at instance (default: {False}) controls {list(dict)} -- list of dicts with settings for each control which want to load Raises: PageException -- if required param 'bot' is None PageException -- if required param 'url' is None or empty str """ if not bot: raise PageException(msg="param bot is None") = bot if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): raise PageException(msg='Optional params must be a dict') self.settings = kwargs if not self.settings.get('url'): raise PageException( msg='Param url can\'t be None, just empty string') if not self.settings.get('locator'): self.settings.update({'locator': By.CSS_SELECTOR}) if not self.settings.get('go_url'): self.settings.update({'go_url': False}) if not self.settings.get('wait_url'): self.settings.update({'wait_url': 0}) if not self.settings.get('maximize'): self.settings.update({'maximize': False}) if not self.settings.get('controls'): self.settings.update({'controls': []}) self._load() def _load(self, settings=None): """Loads page elements and maximize browser window""" # TODO: tests passed ? self.log = if not settings: settings = self.settings if settings.get('url'): self.url = settings.get('url') if settings.get('go_url'): self.go_url() if settings.get('maximize'): self.log.debug('page action: maximizing browser window') if not settings.get('controls'): self.log.debug( 'page action: empty list of controls for this page') return for cfg_control in settings.get('controls'): self.log.debug( ("page action: Loading element " "as property name='{}'").format(cfg_control.get('name'))) control = None instance = cfg_control.get('instance') # load default value if instance is None: instance = 'ControlBase' try: control = { 'ControlBase': ControlBase, 'ControlForm': ControlForm, }[instance](, **cfg_control) except KeyError: self.log.debug(("Bad instance name selected for " "cfg_control={}").format(cfg_control)) control = ControlBase(, **cfg_control) cfg_control.update({'instance': control}) self._set_control(cfg_control) def _set_control(self, cfg_control): """Set control as property of PageBase instance Arguments: cfg_control {dict} -- config dictionary for manage WebElement Raises: PageException -- if param cfg_control is None """ if not cfg_control: raise PageException(msg='cfg_control can not be None') setattr( self, cfg_control.get('name'), cfg_control.get('instance'))
[docs] def get_element(self, config_control): """Search element on Bot instance Arguments: config_controls {dict} -- base dict for ControlBase class Returns: ControlBase -- an element to be use throught selenium """ return self.get_elements([config_control])[0]
[docs] def get_elements(self, config_controls): """Search element on Bot instance, choose selector from instance or locator param Arguments: config_controls {dict} -- base dict for ControlBase class Returns: list(ControlBase) -- an element to be use as wrapper for selenium functionality """ msg_notfound = "Page element not found: " "url={}, selector={}" controls = [] for config_control in config_controls: instance = config_control.get("instance") control = None try: control_types = (ControlBase, ControlForm) if isinstance(instance, control_types): controls.append(control) else: raise PageException( msg="Bad instance name for control") except (ControlException, Exception) as err: if not isinstance(err, ControlException): raise Exception(err) self.log.warning(msg_notfound.format( self.url, config_control.get('selector'))) return controls
[docs] def go_url(self, url=None, wait_for_load=0): """Go to url, choose url from instance or locator params Keyword Arguments: url {str} -- string of FQDN, if None, load value from settings (default: {self.settings.get('url')}) wait_for_load {int} -- [description] (default: {0}) """ if url is None: url = self.settings.get('url') self.log.debug('page action: navigate to url={}'.format(url)), wait_for_load=wait_for_load)
[docs] def is_url(self, url=None, ignore_raises=True): """Allows to check if current selenium visible url it's the same what self.url value :Attributes: url: default page url but can be string value used to verify url ignore_raises: not raise exceptions if enabled """ if url is None: url = self.settings.get('url') try: return, ignore_raises=ignore_raises) except CoreException as err: raise PageException(err, "'Current url' is not 'page url'")
def __repr__(self): """Show basic properties for this object""" return 'PageBase: url={}, bot.browser={}, bot.mode={}'.format( self.settings.get('url'),'browser'),'mode'))